Extra Services

Travel Services
We stock a wide range of insect repellents, sun screen lotions and travel sickness medicines to prepare you for your travels. We can also advise on recommended vaccinations and supplements to keep you in top health as you travel.

Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM)
Do you have expired or unused medications in your home, and want to know what to do with them? At our Pharmacy we will help you to dispose of them correctly. Medicines must be discarded of safely and a number of drugs require a specific type of disposal. We can help make sure your medicines don't end up in the wrong places.

CTG - Closing the Gap
Closing the gap (CTG) is a program introduced by the Australian Government aims to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians better manage their health. 

By participating in this program, our pharmacy offers subsidised medications when a CTG script is presented. PBS medications charges are reduced from the general price (e.g.. $40.00) to the concessional price (eg $6.00). For patients who have a current Centrelink, Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) concession or a safety net card, all PBS medications are available free of charge. Brand price premium still applies should an original brand is preferred.

Over the counter medications and medications that are not under PBS are not currently included in the CTG program and will be charged full price.

Learn more about CTG PBS co-payment

Document Certification
Our Pharmacy has a Justice of the Peace on staff who is able to perform a range of duties and responsibilities - most commonly including witnessing of documents such as Affidavits, Statutory Declarations, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Wills.
Read More

Absence from Work Certificates
Are you unwell or caring for someone who is unwell and unable to go to work? Do you require proof of legitimate absence from work?

Under the Fair Work Act 2009, pharmacists have authority to issue  Absence from Work Certificates to people covered by the Act as proof of legitimate absence from work. They cannot be provided for absences relating to pregnancy or compassionate leave.

 Absence from Work Certificates can be provided by your pharmacist to verify:

  • Absences from work due to illness or injury (personal leave), or
  • Absences due to illness or injury to a member of the employee’s immediate family or household (carer’s leave).

Absence from Work Certificates are issued at the pharmacists’ discretion at pharmacies who offer this service. Pharmacists can only issue certificates for conditions they are within their scope of practice; such as minor ailments. If your illness or injury is outside a pharmacist’s ability to assess, they will refer you to a doctor or other relevant health care professional.

Absence from Work Certificates can be issued for short periods of leave, generally 1-2 days, and cannot be backdated. You may be asked for a form of identification (ID). If you need an Absence from Work Certificate for a carer the person who is ill must be present

Sharps Disposal
You can dispose of used needles more conveniently and safely with our pharmacies.